Our Story which started with the takeover of a small haberdashery store in Etiler in 1982 by Müberra Gülöksüz and Mahmut Hatipoğlu, and continued under the name of Sibel Bebe for 35 years, today continues on its way with a new generation managerial staff under the name EDESSA.
EDESSA is the name of the region where today's Şanlı Urfa is located in Mythology. As the new generation management team, we are doing our best to protect our roots and keep the name of our late founder Mahmut Hatipoğlu alive. As he taught us, our priority is always transparency and honesty. Keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level is our company's manifesto.
For the past 40 years, we have had the opportunity to work with all the major schools in Turkey. We have also provided both counseling and uniforms to many schools in Europe and the Middle East.
Our aim is to provide the best quality products at the most affordable prices to the schools we work with in international production standards.

We provide sample service in line with the directives given within 14 days. We make the most appropriate pricing in the current market conditions.

We design the most modern and up-to-date models with our design team in order to increase the sense of belonging to the school and to make the students love the uniform they wear. Our aim here is for the student to wear his uniform outside of school with pleasure.

We produce modern and comfortable promotional products with special orders without sacrificing quality for use in special events and within the company.

STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® is a globally standardized, independent testing and certification system for raw, semi-finished and finished textile products and accessories at all processing levels. The STANDARD 100 certification provides targeted product management support to companies in the textile chain with human-ecological product safety based on a catalog of scientific criteria and neutral laboratory tests. For consumers and buyers, the STANDARD 100 product label is reliable proof that textiles are tested to strict global standards for protection from harmful substances.

BSCI, initiated by the Brussels-based Foreign Trade Association (FTA), aims to identify the values and principles they are trying to implement with their business partners throughout their supply chain to improve social performance in supplier countries through a single social standard monitoring solution. Every BSCI participant accepts the code of conduct by participating in the supply chain. BSCI is based on International Labor Organization (ILO) laws and important international regulations such as United Nations (UN) Human Rights. BSCI Code of Conduct, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Child Rights and Business Principles, UN Guiding Principles on Trade and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines, UN Global Compact and International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions on improving working conditions in the supply chain and BSCI monitoring system It covers all stakeholders in Europe and supplier countries. It is open to retailers, importers, and manufacturers. It provides a repository database to optimize the coordination of the process. Businesses that adopt the BSCI Code of Conduct are committed to fulfilling their responsibilities to the principles set out in this document and to respect human rights within their sphere of influence. BSCI and its participants (BSCI Participants) pursue a constructive and open dialogue between business partners and stakeholders for the implementation of socially responsible business principles. It also considers the establishment of mature industrial relations between employees and management as a key element of sustainable businesses.

SEDEX; is one of the world's leading providers of ethical trade services, working to improve working conditions in global supply chains. It is a non-profit organization. There is no explanation on the official site of SEDEX regarding the definition of SEDEX. This expression can be accepted as a trademark. SEDEX provides easily applicable tools, services, and a community network to help companies develop responsible and sustainable business practices and sourcing responsibly.
Working with or becoming a member of SEDEX enables companies to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance and protect the people working in their supply chain. SEDEX has more than 60,000 members in 180 countries across 35 industries, including food, agriculture, clothing and apparel, packaging, and chemicals. It is an organization with offices in London, Santiago de Chile, Shanghai, Sydney, and Tokyo.

The Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) aims to promote humane working conditions in the garment industry. Clothing that goes to the Dutch European market is usually produced in low-wage countries. Often these cheap garments are produced under unacceptable working conditions.
Fair Wear Foundation is an initiative of business organizations, unions, and NGOs in the garment industry. FWF was founded in the Netherlands but is currently working hard to combine similar initiatives into a European initiative. To this end, FWF speaks to stakeholders – companies, trade unions, and NGOs. It consults at the European level and in neighboring countries.
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